Frank West Cosplay

Frank West of Dead Rising

view Basara-kun's Cosplay Lab profile
Frank West Cosplay

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Hours to Make: < 5

First worn at: Zombiewalk Bicentenario Chile - 23/10/2010

Inspiration: Dead Rising is the only reason I would buy a XBOX360, is one of my favorite games from Capcom last time. And the opportunity to cosplay him came with the new chilean version of the ZombieWalk (the worldwide massive zombie parade) and I decided for last moment to improvise him. It was a success and I was one of the few survivors and zombie-hunters of all the parade. Awesome experience I would like to repeat in an event...

Favorite Aspect: It's Frank West, just that. He's awesome =D

Easiest Task: Everything