Alucard, Arucard, Dracula

Alucard, Arucard, Dracula of Hellsing
view Giant Alucard's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 200

Hours to Make: 28

First worn at: Katsucon 2003

Inspiration: Had to think of the coolest character I could think of to cosplay as for Katsucon 2003, and the coolest guy I knew of was Alucard. A big thank you to Monoyasha for making to guns for my costume. You are the best!!!

Favorite Aspect: The coat accually work. We had a snow storm at Katsu, but when I walked outside in my costume I barly felt the cold. There were a couple other Alucard cosplays (one really good one), But none of them were as tall as I (6'9) and gave off that evil feeling as well as I did.

Least Favorite Aspect: The heat gets to you after a while, but the Hat I made for it gives me alot of shade!! But at the same time the hat was so big it hit all the corners and door frames if i wasn't careful. Also, quite a few people thought i was vash, though i cant see the resmblence.

Easiest Task: Being evil. Mwahahahahah. Putting in the red contacts were the easiest part.

Hardest Task: The saber fangs I bought were really hard to put on, and in the end i never did put them on. The other part were my guns, I bought them off ebay and they arrived a month late!!



3rd place Craftsmanship at AMA 2004