Yuuko of XXXHolic
view Ringo's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Manga
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US 275 |
Hours to Make: 10-20 |
First worn at: Ushicon 2004 |
Inspiration: I just love Clamp's new manga, and Yuuko is a vey funny character. I'm so glad I had a Li and Sakura to run around with. =D It isn't totally 100% finished but I've worn it twice already so I figured I would move it to the completed section. Still need to do the back applique, head banners and a few other details just cus. ^^ Group pic taken by Eurobeat King
Favorite Aspect: It's the biggest project I've ever done, and I like the the way it turned out.
Least Favorite Aspect: Pattern drafting, it just makes me think harder than I want too. XD math buu~
Easiest Task: The wig =D It was Commissioned with Katie Bair (www.katiebair.com)
Hardest Task: The Applique was pretty tough. XD It seemed to take the longest.