Yakushi Kabuto

Yakushi Kabuto of Naruto
view Oshi's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Hours to Make: < 5

First worn at: AnimeNEXT 2003

Inspiration: Someone commented that in my Random Jounin pic, I looked like Kabuto because of my glasses... so, shit, why not? It's about time I did a Naruto costume that I'll have to do a good amount of sewing on, anyway. Instead of all my bought stuff for the Jounin-level costumes >.>


Favorite Aspect: The whole costume is comfy and awsome, heh

Least Favorite Aspect: keeping the wig on straight after a while. It holds up well for a few hours, then starts to get askew, mainly that it keeps moving backwards.

Easiest Task: Most the costume >.>; I think I have the material for it all too...

Hardest Task: The wig is being a bitch to style T_T stupid $15 thing...

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