Vash the Humanoid Typhoon Cosplay

Vash the Humanoid Typhoon of TRIGUN

view SozokuReed's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US $350+

Hours to Make: 40-60

First worn at: Fanime con 2001

Inspiration: After seeing the first DVD advertisments in anime magazines I knew this was something different. Not only did I look like the guy, he had a cool attitude, so I picked it up when it came out and wow I fell in love with the series.

Favorite Aspect: All the fangirls falling all over me when I wear it ^_~

Least Favorite Aspect: Its a bit stiff on the shoulders and so hot w/o water I will pass out if wearing it too long... =/

Easiest Task: Having my mom helping me with the hard parts!

Hardest Task: Holding the weight of the fabric up while sewing the costume.



Funniest skit at Fanime 2001


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