Inspiration: He's a broody ninja and I like cosplaying broody ninjas (not that I can think of many off the top of my head besides Aoshi >_>). But, yeah, I was originally going to do the reg. blue and white version, but at the last minute I went for this instead and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I gotta thank Adella for her hair job, my hair was unmoveable. It was so cool o_o I even tried pushing down the back at one point and it popped back up! XD And that's her photo CG too, she has skillz ~_^ And Kyle of took the great pics.
Favorite Aspect: Um... Everything but the bandages.
Least Favorite Aspect: Taking the bandages off. o_o;; I didn't have much leg hair to begin with... Arghhh...
Easiest Task: Putting on the headband? Actually I put it on upside down the first time. ^_^;;
Hardest Task: The damned collar. I was experimenting. I'll do it differently next time.