
Tigerlily of Kabuki Agents: Scarab

view Paige's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Sci-Fi

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 6.66

Hours to Make: 3

First worn at: Katsu 8, WizardCon 02, Dragon*Con 02, Dragon*Con 03

Inspiration: I love Kabuki, and already knew Lindze had a Scarab costume, so I did a Tigerlily costume. Besides Akemi she's my favorite Kabuki character, especially since she's a comic artist/ninja, that rocks. Jen will do her Ice costume one day. -_-::

Favorite Aspect: David Mack really liked it, and he recognized me at Dragon*Con, so I'm happy.

Least Favorite Aspect: I'm doing a cooler version of Tigerlily at Dragon*Con, with stripes on my arms and a visible Noh tattoo. Annnnd I'll have red contacts. Ooooo....

Easiest Task: Comfy costume! Gotta love it! And I think the mask is cool, David Mack signed it! Woot!

Hardest Task: Next time I wear it I have to do the Noh tattoo (or at least part of it) cuz I chopped the sleeves off the t-shirt.

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