Tetora Nishizono

Tetora Nishizono of MPD Psycho
view Goten_Tiddy's Cosplay Lab profile   

Category: Manga

Completed: 100%

Cost: € Eur10

Hours to Make: < 5

First worn at: a walk around Rome XD

Inspiration: This is my favourite character of MPD... he scare me, but it's a cool guy XDDD I haven't worn this costume at a convention yet, but I want to try at next Romics 2005 ^^

Favorite Aspect: Being a psychopathic for a day XDDDD

Least Favorite Aspect: That gun, I hate it! XD

Easiest Task: All the costume itself, I had all the things in my house XD

Hardest Task: Probably the performance XDD Walking around the city qith a terrigyinf face and acting as a fool, twelve-years-old murder XDDDDD

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