Slinky Dog Cosplay

Slinky Dog of Toy Story 2

view Ellissa's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Fantasy

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US5

Hours to Make: 5-10

First worn at: Harvest Hoedown

Inspiration: It's Toy Story 2; what's not to love? Plus we already had all the materials at home.

Favorite Aspect: It has real spring steel for the spring part (from now-defunct pop-up hampers), and the ears are leather (from some scrap we inherited).

Least Favorite Aspect: Mittens & paws are super ghetto. And we should really use a brown shirt & pants instead of black.

Easiest Task: Most of it was pretty easy.

Hardest Task: The half-sphere brown parts were the hardest to plan & make. A beach ball was the pattern.

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