Shippo Cosplay
Shippo of Inuyasha
Profileview ultravioletangel's Cosplay Lab profile
Shippo Cosplay
Category: Anime
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US120 |
Hours to Make: 20-40 |
First worn at: Mega-Con |
Inspiration: My friend wanted to be Shippo so her and I banded together to make her outfit, though with some help from my mother
Favorite Aspect: The shirt it was funny watching her trying to paint the leaf patterns on her outfit, we didn't want them to be huge so we went smaller and they looked nice
Least Favorite Aspect: The tail that thing was just a pain, to much effort and then trying to figure out how to stick it to the butt where she could sit down as well.
Easiest Task: The sash, those are always the easiest I don't care what anyone says XD
Hardest Task: The tail, to this day i still hate that thing