Sakura - 3rd Season Opening Cosplay

Sakura - 3rd Season Opening of Card Captor Sakura


Profileview Ellissa's Cosplay Lab profile
Sakura - 3rd Season Opening Cosplay

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Hours to Make: 20-40

First worn at: AWA7

Inspiration: We love CCS!

Favorite Aspect: I like the wand best. [ Arigatou Bandai-san ] (Mom: I like those frilly garter things.)

Least Favorite Aspect: The stars are just yellow craft foam so the ones on her shoes need to be replaced each time after wearing because they get all dirty. But it's nice that they're flexible so they don't dig into her feet when she walks.

Easiest Task: store-bought shoes & socks

Hardest Task: Getting that dress to defy gravity. Is in the process of being improved for AE5. (update: dress looks much better after de-stiffening the hems. had trouble keeping the choker on b/c I hadn't adjusted it since fall -- she grew!)


Best Kid at AWA 7

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