Sailor Tin Nyanko (Kitty
view Katrina Strife's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Manga
Completed: 100%
Cost: $ US 60
Hours to Make: 40-60
First worn at: AFO2
Inspiration: Sailor Moon Stars the Manga. ^^ Not to mention the song "Chou Very Bad" for Sailor Moon Stars the Musical! I love the animamates!
Favorite Aspect: The bells! It was a pain to sew them all on, but it was worth it in the end! And the hat too--except that the ears kept flopping over!
Least Favorite Aspect: The safety pins and bodysuit was kinda uncomfortable. The bracelets were kinda ghetto. The ears didn't stay up.
Easiest Task: The hat. Even though it didn't come out right, the braids looked good, I thought.
Hardest Task: The material was a pain to work with--satin and stretchy stuff don't mix very well. Also, the ears on the hat were uncooperative, and the bells... Don't get me started on the bells... (148 of them, for those who wonder ^^*) For MegaCon 2002, I re did all the bells with safety pins so they wouldn't fall off. If I could do it all over again (which I'm thinking might be happening, if I can get the money/materials/time), I might do it in vinyl, get better shoes, make the bracelets--maybe the entire costume-- musical style, and I MIGHT do her split form (half while, half black), because it looks cool!
Judge's Award (honorable mention) at AFO 2