Sailor Iron Mouse Cosplay

Sailor Iron Mouse of Sailor Moon Stars

view Ellissa's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 40

Hours to Make: 10-20

First worn at: JACON 2001

Inspiration: We were watching Sailor Moon Stars at the time, and Iron Mouse was villain of the day. It's a good match for the girl.

Favorite Aspect: Must be the curly ponytails. (Go to the JACON 2001 section to see details on making this costume.) This outfit is also very durable since it's been worn 3 different times and hasn't torn or lost parts.

Least Favorite Aspect: lack of white wig and ear muffs

Easiest Task: gold Mardi Gras beads

Hardest Task: Sewing all the black trim was tedious.



Best Child at JACON 2001

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