Rikku Gunner Mode

Rikku Gunner Mode of Final Fantasy X-2
view Carolina's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 45

Hours to Make: 5-10

First worn at: Otakon 2003

Inspiration: Rikku has so many variations, and i always really liked the Yuna Gunner mode, so i decided to make Gunner Rikku for Otakon. I really liked doing this costume because the colors are so bright. Thanks to Jenny for the picture at Dragon Con!

Favorite Aspect: The side skirt and the Shirt

Least Favorite Aspect: I forgot my Headband at home ^^

Easiest Task: Making the gun! it lights up and makes noises...hahaha

Hardest Task: Dyeing the stuff without messing up the whole thing O.o The bleach stained some of the side skirt so i'm kinda miffed at that. Also, making the shirt without a pattern.

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