resplendent_chaos's Cosplay Profile

resplendent_chaos aka Jen, Charlie, various names people make up...^^;;

Profile 2 Completed 4 In Progress 2 Retired

my quote

"It's because I'm not Tsukasa, isn't it?!" (I was confounded by the sheer number of people who thought he was a Wavemaster OC. >.>)

instant messenger

Aim: CharlieTsukiyono

cosplaying since


favorite things

Hmm... I love Weiß Kreuz, Gundam Wing, Kingdom Hearts (OMG! Sora!), Saiyuki, X/1999, Tokyo Babylon...Anything by CLAMP, really. CCS, Hellsing, FFVII, Star Ocean, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh! (please forgive..^^;;) Fruits Basket, Gravitation, Sukisyo, NARUTO, Prince of Tennis...@_@ Lotsa stuff. I wuv Dir en Grey lots. Shinya makes me happeh. ^_^ Oh, and just in case you didn't know: Sharaku owns your soul.



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