
Renamon of Digimon Tamers
view PatrickD's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 300

Hours to Make: 150

First worn at: Anime North 2002

Inspiration: After Anime Expo 2001, I decided I wanted to do a full-body costume. I was originally thinking I'd do a Pokemon...and then I thought for a while that I'd do a chocobo. In the fall of 2001, I saw an ad for Digimon Tamers while waiting for Transformers to come on. I fell in love with Renamon. I went on IRC and declared that I wanted to do Renamon...without even seeing the show. After watching the show, I fell in love with Digimon Tamers and wanted to have a Renamon costume even more. When Jody cosplayed as Rika, Renamon's tamer, it was the perfect pair. We even got photographed by Jerry Chu of Bandai in front of the Digimon toys at Anime North 2002.

This has been worn at Anime North 2002, Anime Expo 2002, Otakon 2002, TotemCon 2 (2002), Katsucon 9 (2003) & 9.1, Anime Boston 2003 (green room only), Bakuretsu Con 2003, PortConMaine 2003, Halloween 2003, and PortConMaine 2004.

Favorite Aspect: Not only was this character highly visible and highly recognizable giving me A LOT of attention, but it was a lot of fun to wear since nobody knew who was inside. I got a lot of hugs in this costume...and one girl even proposed marriage. (I accepted, but then she ran off to tell her friends.) This is still my favorite costume.

...and yes, I have seen the MacHall web comic about Digimon porn.

Least Favorite Aspect: I'd like to re-make the head and improve it someday.

Easiest Task: Easy? Nothing!

Hardest Task: This was an extremely difficult costume to make. Luckily, I had a lot of help from Jody of Majikcraft. Getting the pattern for the body took several tries and many revisions, but the head was probably the hardest part.



Presentation: Best of Class - Journeyman at Anime North 2002
Workmanship: Best Newbie - Artisan at Anime North 2002
Costume Contest Winner at TotemCon 2 (2002)
Best of Class - Journeyman at Arisia '03
Best of Class - Journeyman at Katsucon 9
Workmanship: Honorable Mention at Katsucon 9

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