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Radical Edward's Cosplay Profile
Aug 17, 2022
by TsangShireen
Radical Edward aka Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky 4th
4 Completed
1 In Progress
my quote
"We're searching for a place... a place where we can live peaceful days, with no wars nor stealing... a sacred place where people can live as people. Yes, there. That place is called... Paradise." -Vash T.S.
instant messenger
Aim: RedDeath1888
cosplaying since
favorite things
My first anime was Cowboy Bebop and that basically got the ball rolling. Now i also like Trigun, InuYasha, Ranma, and Hellsing. I'm trying to find out more info about Great Teacher Onizuka though, another show i would like to see. ^_^