Inspiration: Basically, I'm making this costume because of my undying love of Legend of Zelda, lol. Zelda is also one of my favorite characters of all time (hahaha, that was a pun, did you catch it?). :3
Favorite Aspect: The armor or the Ocarina of Time.
Least Favorite Aspect: The skirt. After ACen 05, it started to fall apart. ;_; I've learned a lot about properly hemming/serging garments since 2004...
Easiest Task: Her gloves.
Hardest Task: Either the front panal or the armor. It was my first time making armor and the first time attempting to embroider using a satin stitch. Overall, I'd say the panal was a bigger pain because I used the world's biggest P.O.S. sewing machine to make it. ;_;
Honorable Mention at SSB look-alike contest