Peorth of Oh! My Goddess
view Anya (wench!)'s Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Manga
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US 65.00 |
Hours to Make: 20-40 |
First worn at: ACEN 2003 |
Inspiration: I have wanted to do this costume for 2 years! I love the look of Peorth in the manga with the guiness beer coloring (black and tan! Woo!) and the soft watercolored look in all the Fujishima art. I really wanted to make this costume "my own" so I used cow hide suede and velvets, because Peorth (in the manga at least) Is such a sensual touchy feely charachter, so I used soft textures and warm inviting color tones But since Im poor that wasnt going to realisticaly work for me about 2 years ago. So Ive budgeted and rebudgeted and re-re-rebudgeted and I found somethign that would work! I like manga Peorth MUCH better coz shes all "forward" and flirtatious and dramatic! Shes honestly the only goddess I could pull off. And come ON she comes out of a camera lens posing like a ham! How could I resist!
Favorite Aspect: Those MITTS! Those darling mitts and their teeeeny buckles! I love them so much I wear them about the house! Really I love the whole costume!
Least Favorite Aspect: The fact that leather thread comes in two colors. Black, and Tan. Not rustytoast. So the stitching is irritatingly visible and cannot be colored by marker for fear of ruining the suede. Luckily it looks like a funky ethinic touch, and Ive rather grown to like it! Fujishima is wonderful about putting in beautiful touches!
Easiest Task: The bikini bottom and top. I knew exactly how I wanted them done and how to do them!
Hardest Task: The wig I wanted to use for this was originaly my Juubeichan wig, and its sustained some damage from the Juubei styling. So its constant work to keeeeppp working and make it pretty again. But the long ponytail looks great! its amazing what you can do with those out of fashion bead bracelets!
Amy Fragas Judges Award (part of a group) at Akon 2004