Padme Naberrie/Senator Amidala (Battlesuit)

Padme Naberrie/Senator Amidala (Battlesuit) of Star Wars Episode II


Category: Sci-Fi

Completed: 100%

Hours to Make: < 5

First worn at: MidSouthCon 2004, Comic Con 2004, Dragoncon 2004

Inspiration: I didn't want to do this costume originally, but my mom actually wanted me to... I decided to do it just so I could have an easier-to-wear Padme costume for local events. I ended up liking it a lot.

Favorite Aspect: Doing the bloody scratches on my back! Also I like my cloak. She doesn't wear it with the ripped version of this, but I made it real quick one day to wear with the costume at MidSouthCon 05, because I knew I'd be cold otherwise. It makes a nice blanket! :)

Least Favorite Aspect: I was trying to save some money so I used boots I already had as base boots, which weren't very accurate. Also, that fabric would NOT fray!! I kept trying to fray the edge of the top along the rip, but it wouldn't do it, lol.

Easiest Task: Making the pants and top.

Hardest Task: Hate the belt - didn't make it, it's the "official" Padme belt, and it sucks.

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