Nicholas D. Wolfwood (female version)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (female version) of Trigun
view Ana Paula's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Anime
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ Real 55 |
Hours to Make: 40-60 |
First worn at: Animencontro 2004 |
Inspiration: I love Trigun and always wanted to cosplay it. But I and my sister like Vash and Nicholas much more than Merril and Milly. And as we had little time to make it (I was moving to another city), we decided to try the female version. It was the first time we did a "version", not a real character. But everyone recognized us, and we had lots of fun! I chose Nicholas because his clothes would be ready really fast, before I moved.
Favorite Aspect: The cross! Alis made it for me, and it was perfect! Some people asked me "why itīs so small?" So I answered "I donīt need that big one to carry just a lipstick and a cell phone..." I also loved the cross earrings. They were a cut and very feminine detail.
Least Favorite Aspect: My hair. I know a hairball is perfect for a nun, but I donīt like hairballs... I wanted something a little bit more fancy.
Easiest Task: The shoes. I already had them.
Hardest Task: Walking on high heels all day long. They were 10,5cm (4 inch) high! I believe the cross was pretty hard, but as my sister has done all by herself, i had no trouble with it.