Nakahara Komugi

Nakahara Komugi of SoulTaker
view Lain's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 20

Hours to Make: 5-10

First worn at: Fanime 2003

Inspiration: I really wanted to do a Kyosuke costume with the cape that Runa gave him, but MOTHER... wouldn't let me. =_= So, I decided to be the cute perky one of the series: KOMUGI! ^^ She's extremely cute. :D more pictures on site!

Favorite Aspect: the pinkness and the funky accessories *although, interesting twist is that i hate wearing pink...*

Least Favorite Aspect: the pinkness. X.x

Easiest Task: the glovers. :D

Hardest Task: dam boot covers....



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