Mylene Flare Jenius
view Kula Diamond's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Anime
Completed: 100%
Cost: $ US ~500
Hours to Make: 200 +
First worn at: Animecon 2004
Inspiration: Ewww... I wanted make a Mylene costume since the first time that I saw Macross 7 (a long time ago...=D) and this moment was propitious for do it. Macross 7 is a cool show and the characters are so lovely... Mylene is my favorite! <3 She looks great and plays bass! Mylene is adorable, pampered, talented, my favorite color! \\^^//
Favorite Aspect: I luv my cosplay! ^^ The vinyl suit, the boots with pink vinyl details, my beautiful wig and the bass! \o/
Least Favorite Aspect: None...well... if I can bring out a defect, it’s the pantihose tone =P Because I (and my habitual delicacy...) torned a lot of pantihoses...hohoho... this is not funny! Òó This is so sad! =*( But does not look bad! ^.^
Easiest Task: I ‘ll kill you! >D Nothing!
Hardest Task: Money! *=D Hey, I am kidding (er...not... >.<”) ! The bass, very-very-very laborious, certainly...I had my sis and friend’s support (as always... I’m soooo lucky! \o/ ), fortunately! ^~