Mizuno Ami (Winter High School Uniform)
Mizuno Ami (Winter High School Uniform) of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
view Cait's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Anime
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US 30 |
Hours to Make: < 5 |
First worn at: Anime Expo 2003 |
Inspiration: I have live roleplayed Mizuno Ami for about the past five or six years. It only seemed fitting that, when I had to test my pattern for a school uniform my senior year in high school, that I made Ami's high school uniform.
Favorite Aspect: The color. It's vibrant and true to the series, I think. Also, the bow. I'm sick of seeing droopy sailor bows. I was pleased I was able to achieve something better.
Least Favorite Aspect: Toss up. The shoes aren't the right color and they're a bit small. Also, I'm way too fat for this kind of costume.
Easiest Task: Everything. This costume sewed itself.
Hardest Task: Damn stripes.