Category: Anime
Completed: 100%
Cost: $ US 200
Hours to Make: 60-80
First worn at: Jacon 2003
Inspiration: i got the .hack//SIGN series on fansub a long time ago and mimiru ended up being one of my favorite characters (besides BT). i could never pull off a BT costume cause i have a slight tan. sooooo i realized that i have a strange resemblance to mimiru so i can be her quite easily. lol maybe next year i can modify this costume and be black rose =).
This is just a TEMP pic. i'll put some different ones later. from left to right theres: Queen Neherenia - Sailormoon, Dryden - Escaflowne, Chloe - Noir, Mimiru - .hack//SIGN (me), Tsukasa - .hack//SIGN
ahh a lot of people have asked me how to make this costume. i told them willingly. but i've grown tired of saying the same thing over and over. so from now on i'll just have to say: It's a secret. ;)
Favorite Aspect: i get to be almost naked!! YAY for nudity! i also love how the boots came out. they look identical. i made them from scratch too.
Least Favorite Aspect: lol, my boob popped out =O (not all the way, perv)
Easiest Task: the choker and the hair >=D!
Hardest Task: smoothing out the armor.. =\
My pic in the August issue of Newtype at Jacon-2003