Miang Cospla

Miang of Xenogears

Profileview Rosiel's Cosplay Lab profile
Miang Cosplay   

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Hours to Make: 100-150

First worn at: Nekocon 2003

Inspiration: This one was a surprise for my friends, who are some of the biggest Xenogears geeks alive and had planned a big group which was sorely lacking in villains. Moreover, this was the favorite character of one of the people in our group.

Favorite Aspect: The cheesy Star Trek: TOS extra look just gets to me every time. I love Space operas of all kinds!

Least Favorite Aspect: The skirt is oh so short I can barely move in it for fear of it riding up. But it's accurate.

Hardest Task: The 70something yards of hand-sewn ribbon. I left my sanity somewhere along the way...



First Place (Hall) at Nekocon 2003

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