Miaka Cosplay
Miaka of Fushigi Yugi
Profileview cosplayangel's Cosplay Lab profile
Miaka Cosplay
Category: Anime
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US85 |
Hours to Make: 10-20 |
First worn at: Will be worn to Animazement 2007 |
Inspiration: Fushigi Yugi is one of my all time favorite anime series of all time! ^_^ So when my boyfriend told me he would be Tamahome I had to make a Miaka costumes as well! ^_^ It was fun to make both costumes ^_^
Favorite Aspect: Getting to cosplay as one of my favorite characters. Also the costume is really easy to wear.
Least Favorite Aspect: Putting my hair up in buns... ^-^
Easiest Task: Buying the shirt ^_^' It was the only part I didn't have to make.
Hardest Task: Making the skirt. That style of skirt takes forever to make :(