MegaCon 2001

This year's MegaCon was held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. It was our first exposure to the wild and wacky fun Japanese animation fans are notorious for. There were 70+ contestants for the costume ball, a record for the show hosted by none other than Anime Sushi. We met many new friends and gained new insight into what being hard-core means.

Want to relive the excitement of the Power Puff Girls skit? Click on the TV to watch in Real Video format! It is 670K and will open up in RealPlayer *assuming you have it installed*. DUH.

For those willing to try, you might be able to right click here and save as file.

The City of Townsville -   This just in...the true identity of Bubbles of the Power Puff Girls revealed! Watch the transformation before your very eyes!

Click the picture to see Sailor Saturn in action!
5.5MB QuickTime Movie

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