Lulu Cosplay

Lulu of Final Fantasy X

view Alaria's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US $$$$$

Hours to Make: 30+

First worn at: Anime Expo 2002

Inspiration: Welllll, now, when I first started the costume, I never thought that there'd be so many people to do it! But I loved the design. I love portraying strong female characters with a darker look. Anyhoo, the challenge was also intriguing, which fed into my drive as a perfectionist

Favorite Aspect: Hmm, the hairpieces, because I crafted and painted them exactly like the original arktwork, and they were pretty. My red lenses, and my hair, which I spent 6 hours in a hair salon getting the corn rolls and the extensions put in !

Hardest Task: LOL, keeping the belts and lace on!


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