Link (Zora Tunic, Mirror Shield

Link (Zora Tunic, Mirror Shield) of the Legend of Zelda
view Ikasatu's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US165

Hours to Make: 10-20

First worn at: Anime Detour

Inspiration: The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Soul Caliber II, Super Smash Bros. Melee At heart, I am Link. I wish for this part of me to be visible to the world. I wish to be the best Link cosplayer in the world.

Favorite Aspect: So far... the Nintendo 64 Ocarina of Time-Era Mirror Shield. I hope that my costume will continue to improve. My next major prop in production is a working Hookshot.

Least Favorite Aspect: I'm still wearing glasses. Worse yet, the glasses turn dark in sunlight, so I look like Beatnik Link. Maybe I could borrow bongo drums from Darmani III? I wish I would have stuck with brown leathers, but I already owned black bracers, which would become the Gauntlets, and a black belt and pouch.

Easiest Task: The boots were really easy. I bought $99 men's size 13 fetish boots. I folded down the tops, and wore-in the crease.

Hardest Task: The shield was hard to craft; even more difficult to acheive was its reflective quality. I may remake it, if I have a shot with better sheet metal.


Cosplay in the Halls Award at Anime Detour
Award of Excellence - All Categories, All Levels at Anime Detour - Official Competition

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