Kaoru Nagisa - Plug Suit Profile

Kaoru Nagisa - Plug Suit of Neon Genesis Evangelion


Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 35

Hours to Make: 140

First worn at: JACON 2002

Inspiration: Group Cos-play! Plus... he was always my "favorite" fromt he show.. hehehehe... okay.. it turned out bad... but it was my first official con and I was working so hard on it with a busted sewing machine... as well, the lycra didn't fit as snuggly as I would have wished, making me look "LARGER" than I really am.. nyaaa

Favorite Aspect: The shiny black sides... although the sides were the problem!

Least Favorite Aspect: It didn't wear well!!!!

Hardest Task: Comment: I hate the fact that when I wore it... it was too loose on the sides to where it makes me lok fat! And I have no neck!

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