Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger of Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
view kell's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Fantasy

Completed: 100%

Hours to Make: < 5

First worn at: Dragoncon 2004, Comic Con 2005

Inspiration: My first Hermione costume was beginning to show it's age, so I figured it would be pretty easy to throw together a new, PoA based one.

Favorite Aspect: The sweater, I got it from Hobbie's House of Wizard Wear and it's lovely.

Least Favorite Aspect: The burgundy facing on the front of the cloak, I never could make it look exactly right.

Easiest Task: Putting the patch on.

Hardest Task: Nothing really... maybe raising the hem on the skirt, but not really.

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