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Garbage Bag Kakashi (ghetto) Cosplay
Aug 17, 2022
by TsangShireen
Garbage Bag Kakashi (ghetto) of Naruto / Ghetto
view Anne Packrat's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Anime
Completed: 100%
Cost: $ US5
Hours to Make: 5-10
First worn at: Ikasucon 2005
Inspiration: We were doing ghetto Naruto outfits, and dammit I wanted to do Kakashi. I ended up being the only one doing it though. Photo provided by Kevin Lilliard of Fansview. Thanks, Kevin! I doubt I'll ever wear this again, but it's another fine garbage bag outfit from ZOMG cosplay.
Favorite Aspect: Duct tape headband turned out well.
Least Favorite Aspect: I needed more garbage bags for the white wig.
Easiest Task: Drawing symbol on the headband.
Hardest Task: Cutting out and keeping in check the "wig".