Ganondorf Dragmire

Ganondorf Dragmire of Zelda Windwaker


Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US15

Hours to Make: 10-20

First worn at: Fanime Con 2004

Inspiration: I love Ganondorf. I LOVE HIM. HAHA. I WIN! e.e this stupid website keeps uploading an old image that I have thus deleted from my hard drive.. grrr...

Favorite Aspect: It's COMFORTABLE. But then again, anything's comfortable in comparison to Ganondorf from Ocarina of Time..

Least Favorite Aspect: It takes a LONG TIME to put on, and the sleeves weigh down the rest of the.. top (?) so we had to tie it on the front as you can see

Easiest Task: Tracing out the design. D: I didn't do the sewing. :(

Hardest Task: The actual painting.. garg..

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