Farfarello Cosplay

Farfarello of Weiss Kreuz

Profileview RoughSketch's Cosplay Lab profile
Farfarello Cosplay

Category: Anime

Completed: 50%

Cost: $ US$15-$20

Hours to Make: 5-10

First worn at: Will be worn at Animazement 2008

Inspiration: I love how insane he is, and how devilishly cute/handsome he is as well.

Favorite Aspect: so far? The fact that I get to cut my hair and get more piercings - I was going to be getting them anyways before I even decided on this one - oh...how convenient!

Least Favorite Aspect: Binding, and figuring out how to springload the frickin pike.

Easiest Task: buying everything and cutting/bleaching my hair

Hardest Task: Will be when I bind myself for this. His entire torso and upper arms are bound in gauze. As will I be. I won't be able to sit down properly cuz my back will be so straight....pain!

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