Dust Bunny's Cosplay Profile

Dust Bunny aka Ellpie-Chan

Profile 4 Completed 3 In Progress 2 Commissioned


residing in

Annapolis, Maryland United States

my quote

" Why try to fit in, When you were ment to stand out?"

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favorite things

My Current Obsessions: Games: FFX-2 & DDR & Magic the Gathering Anime: Fruits Basket & Angelic Layer & Chobits Manga: Peach Girl & Hot Gimmick & Hana Kimi Music: Techno and Alternative rock Oldies but Goodies: Sailor Moon & DBZ & Magic Knights Rayearth & Love Hina & Saber Marinotte J & Ranma 1/2 & Fushi Yugi & FFVII - FFIX


11/8/ 1986

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