D Cosplay
D of Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust
Profileview Shuki's Cosplay Lab profile
D Cosplay
Category: Anime
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US ~300 |
Hours to Make: 100-150 |
First worn at: Acen 2004 |
Inspiration: I've seen the movies but after watching the second one it's always been in the back of my head that maybe one day I would be D. And when my roommate got the action figure I was just hit with the need to make his outfit.
Favorite Aspect: Wearing it.
Least Favorite Aspect: Expensive, plus it has been one of the most frustrating things I have ever made. There were times I really wanted to give up and the only thing that kept me going was that I already worked so hard on this and spent so much money on it.
Easiest Task: Funny as it is, the left hand has been the easiest thing to make. (I am no sculptor so I was quite impressed with myself at how nice and how fast it came out)
Hardest Task: My first attempt at making the bracers, I decided, were a failure. But, luckly I found a much better and much easier way to make them and they have turned out quite nice so far. And just about everything else, lots of the little things like making piping, the boots(!), etc. where really tedious and I got really frustrated at how slow going it all was, amongst other things. Yeah, those boots were tiring. I made them from scratch!
Best of Show Costuming Group at Acen 2004