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Show Your Cosplay Spirit!
Cosplay Lab features tens of thousands of anime, manga, video game, J-Rock, sci-fi and fantasy costumes created by people just like you from all over the world. If you're new to cosplay, or are a seasoned cosplayer, Cosplay Lab is your one-stop shop for maintaining your entire costume collection, organize cosplay skits and photoshoots, meet other cosplayers, get info on upcoming anime conventions, and way more! Join for FREE and take your cosplay to new levels .

Disney Princesses
Disney Princesses    
Greg Destafano has outdone himself with his most recent Disney Princess cosplay photo shoot! He was kind enough to share these links with us for your enjoyment.

Process Art video:
Behind The Scenes video:


Mass Effect Planned for Comic Con
Mass Effect Planned for Comic Con    
Holly Conrad has big plans for this year's Comic Con. Her waking moments are filled with creating an animatronic creature from her love of Mass Effect. We love the team effort and ensuing insanity she documents in her production video reels. Follow her progress at Sorcery & Glue

Cosplay Means Self Expression
Cosplay Means Self Expression    
What makes a "normal" person want to cosplay? “My husband thought I had gone insane,” Mikarin said with a gentle smile. “He freaked out, but I couldn’t believe how much fun it was. I was completely awoken.” continue reading at Rafu Shimpo

Anime Expo 2010 Gallery
Anime Expo 2010 Gallery    
Here's a quick look at some of the fun had at Anime Expo. via Collider

Peter Mander's Elite Costume
Peter Mander's Elite Costume    
Some might argue that this isn't cosplay in the purest sense of the word, but we beg to differ. It certainly is an artistic passion taken to new levels and we love to see videos of great costumes being built from the ground up. via Kotaku

Ironman Enters Starfest Contest
Ironman Enters Starfest Contest    
What do you get when you mix a lifetime of superhero inspiration, $4,000, and one month of production time? Find out after the jump. via POPSCI

Cosplay Family of Steel
Cosplay Family of Steel    
Danny and Heather Kelley are like any typical American married couple. They are raising a son and daughter, share like-minded interests, and enjoy the same activities. Their dark secret? They cosplay as their favorite super hero. Continue reading at SupermanHomepage

Cutest Voltron?
Cutest Voltron?    
Nowadays it doesn't take long for an amazing cosplay photo to surface on the internets with a how-it-was-made gallery following shortly after. Gizmodo posted said costume of a little girl promoting her dad's Voltron passion in all its splendor. We've always said that cosplay is a family sport. [continue reading at the Giz...]

Atomic Robo Costume Busts a Move
Atomic Robo Costume Busts a Move    
The Comics Alliance website has a fun read about a cosplayer who's fashioned themselves an Atomic Robo outfit complete with several bells and whistles. [Continue reading...]

Cosplay Ethics? While Idaho may not be world renowned for cosplay, they do know good spuds when they see them. As a result, the University of Idaho has a thoughtful post about the ethics of cosplay. We don't normally post links to sites with no costume photos, but we'll make an exception for this. [continue reading at UI Argonaut...]

BioShock 2 Big Sister Crossplay

Star Trek Fans Set New World Record
Star Trek Fans Set New World Record    
To help promote the release of Cryptic's Star Trek Online, Star Trek fans gathered in London over the weekend to set a new world record for the largest gathering of Star Trek fans dressed in character. Continue reading at INC Gamers...

Winter Wonder Fest Cosplay
Winter Wonder Fest Cosplay    
Chiba's Makuhari Messe, where the Tokyo Game Show is normally held, was the site of the Winter Wonder Festival. Check out the galleries at アキバBlog via [Kotaku]

Schoolgirl Becomes Idol in Japan
Schoolgirl Becomes Idol in Japan    
Rebecca Flint, 14 – aka Beckii Cruel – is an internet hit among anime fans and her debut album is tipped to top Japanese charts. Like most 14-year-old girls, Rebecca Flint likes to dress up and dance. But unlike most girls, she records and posts her performances on YouTube. Beckii's idea to film herself in "cosplay" – derived from costume play – followed and an internet star was born. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese teenagers indulge in "cosplay", with conventions regularly held around the country.continue reading at The Observer...

Disney DIY princesses
Disney DIY princesses    
There's no such thing as a "free" hobby — unless you're into collecting twigs and sticks, that is. This is what makes the do-it-yourself (DIY) culture so great because it lessens the burden on your pocket. The flipside is that you will have to compensate with more effort and time — important elements which will determine the outcome of your DIY creations. continue reading at The Malay Mail...

Premium Membership Features
One Dollar a Month for All This and More
We're grateful to the dozens of serious cosplayers who see the value the Lab offers and who contribute to keep it running. Your $12 upgraded membership subscribes you to these nifty features:

10% discount on all contact lens orders!
See how many times each of your costumes has been viewed by others.
Enhanced search page lets you sort results for easier use.
Schedule all of your costumes for future events by date and time.
Track all of your favorite Cosplay Lab members on a single page.
Pin point Lab members in other cities you plan to visit.
View the newest and recently updated costumes on one page.
50% savings when you advertise your site in the ProShop.
LightBox - see all full-size completed costume photos on one page for any cosplayer.
Every dollar donated goes to support cosplay here at the Lab. If you have more than 10 completed costumes in your collection, we know you're serious about this art and we thank you for your continued financial support. Yay cosplay!

Upgrade Your Cosplay Lab membership today

What's the most popular this week?
Angel Sanctuary avatar bleach Card Captor Sakura chobits Code Geass cowboy bebop digimon final fantasy fruits basket full metal alchemist Guilty Gear harry potter hellsing hetalia kingdom hearts kuroshitsuji naruto One Piece pokemon resident evil sailor moon soul calibur soul eater tokyo mew mew Tsubasa Utena vocaloid yugioh zelda


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