
Colombo of Katamari Damacy

view kenkomachi's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US200

Hours to Make: 80-100

First worn at: Katsucon 2005

Inspiration: The game is awesome, and I've never worked with fur before, so I thought it'd be something new to work with.

Favorite Aspect: The fact that we got a big group together to do this and it actually worked! Being the first Colombo as far as I know. Being in my first skit after all these years of going to cons.

Least Favorite Aspect: holy crap, the fur suit was soooo HOT x_x I'm never wearing one again, it was evil ;_; That, and the not being able to see or breathe very well with the head on. oh, and feeling like a furry lover when i bought the pattern at the fabric store ^_^;;;

Easiest Task: painting the antenna

Hardest Task: Getting the fur through the sewing machine. It's monster fur with 3" nap >_< Having to worry about which way the nap was going, and I getting purple fuzzballs allll over the place.



Best in Class- Novice at Katsucon 2005
Workmanship award- head construction & faux fur construction at Katsucon 2005

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