Augusta Vladica (Tarot version) Cosplay

Augusta Vladica (Tarot version) of Trinity Blood art by Thores Shibamoto


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Augusta Vladica (Tarot version) Cosplay

Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US1 000

Hours to Make: 200 +

First worn at: Siberian No Otaku No Saiten-2007, Tomsk, Russia

Inspiration: Tremendous art by Tores Shibamoto caught my attention. And then I just couldn't stop thinking: "How can I make that costume?"

Favorite Aspect: trimming with lace

Least Favorite Aspect: to move while wearing all that

Easiest Task: wig styling

Hardest Task: to make armor and kokoshnik (kokoshnik is a Russian head-dress for ladies in Middle Ages).



Trinity Blood Look-alike - 1st Place at CosplayLab Contest
Grand Prix (Defile) at Animatrix 2008 Moscow, Russia
Special Org's Prize at Siberian No Otaku No Saiten 2007, Tomsk, Russia

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