Anneke Rose (Twi'lek)
Anneke Rose (Twi'lek) of Star Wars Galaxies
view VampireAnneke's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Sci-Fi
Completed: 100% |
Cost: $ US100 |
Hours to Make: 20-40 |
First worn at: Star Wars Galaxy Fan Fest 2004 |
Inspiration: I play this character, Anneke Rose, in the Star Wars Galaxy on-line game. She is a Mayor, Master Tailor, and loved by her town. So much, that they call her princess. I love the character, and with SW FanFest coming up, I decided to try my hand at making Lekku and a full Twi'lek costume. I don't really have the body for it, but it's all about personality, isn't it?
Favorite Aspect: The Twi'lek Tails
Least Favorite Aspect: The make-up. It gets everywhere! I also wish the body suit matched the rest of the red better.
Easiest Task: Painting the tail's stripes. (Darci did that for me)
Hardest Task: Figuring out how to put together a darn flesh wrap.
Top 10, Finalist at Star Wars Galaxies Fan Fest 2004