Aeris /Aerith Gainsborough (Version 2) Cosplay

Aeris /Aerith Gainsborough (Version 2) of Final Fantasy VII


Profileview Amethyst Angel's Cosplay Lab profile
Aeris /Aerith  Gainsborough  (Version 2) Cosplay

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 150

Hours to Make: 10-20

Inspiration: Yet another costume commission. (I had plenty of red suede fabric left over from the first Aeris costume I had made which I used to make this costume. It ended up being pretty much a carbon copy of the first one so I won't go into too much detail about it. (Only that it took much less time to make this time around, once I knew what the heck I was doing.) More pictures of this costume can be seen here at Studio Onyx, my new art and cosplay gallery.

Favorite Aspect: It's pretty much a no-brainer, as far as costumes go.

Least Favorite Aspect: Getting the pattern right. (It took a couple of tries... Alright. MORE than a couple of tries...)

Easiest Task: Getting the fabric, (as most of it had been left over from the first costume.)

Hardest Task: Sewing that suede fabric. And the buttonholes. Me hates buttonholes.

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