Anime Express 6 Revisited

March 22-24, 2003 Embry-Riddle College, Daytona Beach, Florida

We always comment on how popular anime must be because each year these conventions have outrageous growth. This year's Anime Express is no exception. People lined the walls of the cosplay area and the upper level balcony. There were nearly 50 contestants in the costume/cosplay contest.

It would seem that many 'regulars' to this convention were tapped out on resources - especially following MegaCon only a few weeks prior. Anime Express is still known as the party con, so I chose this time to relax, take a few pictures, and play a few rounds of DDR. Sometimes it's nice to just hang out and take a break from costuming and be an anime geek (otaku).

The absence of Steve Bennett was felt by all who looked forward to his witty remarks, friendly aura, and ever-popular cel painting class. The Anime Express staff did a decent job of being organized this year. Anime Sushi provided an ambient backdrop to the festivities as well.

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