Kanou Rion

Kanou Rion of Kaori Yuki's 'Bloodhound'
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Category: Manga

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US ??

Hours to Make: 5-10

First worn at: Armageddon 2003, wellington

Inspiration: Reading Bloodhound, of course! I wanted a simple costume to wear on the first day of Armageddon, and since I like Rion's uniform so much...and now I have pictures!

Favorite Aspect: The shirt. It's really flattering, lol

Least Favorite Aspect: Making that goddamn skirt. I checked my sizing on the pattern and it told me I was a size 14...so I made a size 14...and it fell down, repeatedly. But, I was too lazy to fix it, having about 4 other costumes to finish, so I safety-pinned it to my underwear. ^___^;;;

Easiest Task: Stealing one of my dad's ties, lol

Hardest Task: Painting the plaid pattern onto the fabric for the skirt. T_T I watered the paint down and it bled everywhere! ><