Jenny or XJ9

Jenny or XJ9 of Nickelodeon's My Life as a Teenage Robot
view NikiFraga's Cosplay Lab profile
Category: Anime

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US20

Hours to Make: 5-10

First worn at: Project A-kon 15

Inspiration: I'm not quite ready for mechs, but have a desire to work with foam. Niki watches the show on Nickelodeon, and asked to dress up as teenage robot. May not be traditional anime... but it's cool.

Favorite Aspect: The wig, the belly button, the foam,... it all comes together nicely. She took a nap in the costume mid-day and everything was still in place. Very durable costume, I see it showing up at Animefest as well.

Least Favorite Aspect: Everybody thinks she looks like mega man :( (heheheh)

Easiest Task: The wig, cause I didn't make it... (my niece did

Hardest Task: well... I hand made the gloves, and it really isn't that hard, just more time consuming than the rest. The costume was finished in about a day, giving more time cause I kept on messing up the top... I was sleepy and kept on sewing off areas not to be sewn off... etc.