
Edea of Final Fantasy VIII
view Space Invader's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Video Game

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US100

Hours to Make: 200 +

First worn at: Ushicon 2004

Inspiration: I *heart* her outfit. I'm a sucker for intricate things.

Favorite Aspect: The headdress is my baby. It took 8 months of on-and-off work (and lots of sandpaper) to get it looking the way it does.

Least Favorite Aspect: The headdress starts to pinch my forehead and the back of my neck after a few hours. Also, everyone likes to step on the veils on my back >_<.

Easiest Task: Making the pattern for and sewing the dress. The headdress was easy too, it just took a long time to make.

Hardest Task: Figure out what to make the fan out of, then put it together at 4 in the morning the day of the con. Also figuring out how to sew the transparent veil material without having my machine eat it was a bit of a trial.