Blaise Zibani

Blaise Zibani of The World of Harry Potter
view everstarrr's Cosplay Lab profile

Category: Fantasy

Completed: 100%

Cost: $ US 70

Hours to Make: 20-40

First worn at: Barnes & Noble Harry Potter Release Party

Inspiration: I love dressing up and really haven't done it in awihle. The Barnes & Nobles Harry Potter Party has given me an excuse to do so, and maybe I'll even win a prize for my costume. If I had decided earlier, I would have made a Slytherin Quidditch costume; unfortunately, that will be too difficult in this short span of time.

Favorite Aspect: The cloak, dear God. It is so beautiful, yet it took forever to make. I normally sew everything by hand but this would have taken forever. I thus enlisted the help of a woman from my church who is an amazing seamstress and together we used her sewing machine AND surger (my satin will never fray!) to finish it up. So beautiful. It billows and flows and has simple elegant lines...I would wear it all the time.

Least Favorite Aspect: I didn't have a black pleated skirt (just a black one) and I didn't have time to make one. In addition, the sweater vest was bit too big so I was rather unsatisfied with that.

Easiest Task: The easiest task was probably making the house "patch." Since I didn't have the time to work my embroidery magic, I printed out the movie Slytherin crest and mounted it onto thin cardboard. After gluing a straightback pin to it and putting on the robes...the black blended in with the black and it looked as though it were really on there.

Hardest Task: Making the cloak. After that, knitting the scarf, but only because it was so time consuming. I would like to remake it, longer, and put the tassels on.